Sunday, October 01, 2006


FtTP - Moby + Blue Man Group

Maybe it's just the bald head, but I can picture Moby painting himself blue and working with Blue Man Group. The music might have something to do with it, too.

October 2, 2006 - Update

Well, folks, this one's been done. Moby and Blue Man Group performed together at the 2001 Grammy Awards. There is an interview with Moby and the Blue dudes on YouTube. The Blue dudes aren't saying anything, but check out what they do toward the end of the clip.

Obviously, someone else thought all those bald heads should go together. I only wish that Moby would have taken a dip in the blue paint, too.

You know, maybe I should call my blog "Always late to the party and inappropriately dressed." That, or I should learn to do a search on my Frankensteining the Talent Pool ideas before I post them. Live and learn.

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